Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blueberries and more blueberries

Blueberry picking season is in full swing.  Most of our blueberries have been picked for us.  A family friend enjoys picking and picks before most of us can get out there and do it.  That's actually OK with me, for the most part.  It's really hot out there.  Last week my uncle delivered a Walmart bag full of blueberries to me at work.  We ate and ate, and I gave some away.  Then we froze the rest.  

Yesterday we went to Grammy's house.  Grammy gave us a gallon bag of blueberries.  When we left her house we went to Aunt Glennis' house.  We picked from only 3 of her trees and got another gallon of blueberries.  We've given one gallon away to Aunt Wii.  I still have a full gallon of blueberries sitting in my fridge, and I'm about blueberried out.  We're having a luncheon at work next week and I'm thinking of making blueberry cobbler.  That should get rid of some of them.  

Any suggestions?  I need to either use them up or freeze them soon.  We've had blueberry pancakes, muffins and straight from the fridge.  Now I'm thinking maybe a parfait or an afternoon smoothie.  And of course the cobbler for the luncheon.


C. Beth said...

Aaah...I love blueberries!!

Jenn said...

What about making fruit smoothies?

allworldanimals said...

i like blueberries.

Unknown said...

hiiiiiiiiiiii i find it more interestig
"Blueberries and more blueberries" thank u