The 200th post I've done on here. I'm rather impressed. When a TV show gets to 200 episodes there's usually a big party with a huge cake. Of course, those 200 episodes are spread out over years. Not the case here. Stargate SG-1 did a great 200th episode. That was probably one of my favorites. I love a show that can poke fun of itself in a special episode when they usually poke fun of themselves every how anyway.
What I really came on here to post about is coloring. When you grow up you mostly forget about the joys of coloring. The time spent laying on the floor, picking the best picture in the coloring book. Then selecting the perfect color for each section. As much as you want to use your favorite color all the time, you just can't. I mean, a picture colored all green doesn't really turn out all that good.
Then you have a child and you color. And color. And color some more. We have a big container full of crayons & markers. We have stacks of coloring books. My favorite is the extra large one. That gives both of us plenty of room to color together. It's big, 2 feet by 2 feet. Paige & I can lay on the floor beside each other and color without getting in each others way too much.
While I enjoy coloring with her, my favorite time to color is after she goes to bed. Try it some night. No one telling you where to color & what colors to use. You get to pick it all by yourself. It's a good stress reliever. Give it a shot after you put the kids to bed tonight. I won't tell, I promise.
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
2 years ago
ha! I thought I was the only one who did that!
I agree, coloring is fun!
CONGRATS on 200!! Woo hoo, that is awesome! And the new blog look is adorable.
Congrats on the big 2-0-0!! Wish I could come over with a big cake and we could watch favourite SG-1 episodes, starting with their 200th episode. That was just an awesome season altogether.
And coloring!! I have to admit, I do have my own coloring book (a couple of them), and I have been totally looking forward to being able to do that with my kids. To have someone to share the time with, mmm can't wait. Glad to hear I'm not the only one, I've always felt a bit funny admitting that as one of my 'look forward to's to other moms.
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