Saturday, March 14, 2009

Super Saturday

Ever have one of those days where nothing exciting happens, but it's still a great day? We're having one of those. Ronnie's car needed an oil change, so we took it to Honda this morning. (It's all part of the service package.) The dealership is by the mall, so we went there to kill some time.

While Paige & Ronnie headed for the carousel, Mommy headed to get a pedicure. Probably my first one in over 6 months now. It was heavenly! And now my feet are in OK enough shape to go to my favorite place in another month or so. I was happily sipping my venti chai latte, reading my book and enjoying my pedicure when Paige and Ronnie comes in. Daddy took Paige shopping for a new bathing suit and wanted to show me.

We had some fun just walking around the mall acting silly. Paige rode the carousel two times. The ladies in the nail salon all said how beautiful she was. The girl working at Hot Topic was amazed Paige could correctly identify her superheroes and likes pirates. People were smiling at her jumping and dancing her way around the mall.

We got back home and Paige went down for her nap. Daddy & I went to get haircuts from Aunt Wii. Don't worry, Unc & Jeff listened out for her. I got 3 inches cut and look like a decent human again. Ronnie even fixed my tail light & put in a new air filter.

Tonight is the 30th birthday party for a friend. We'll head out to that after Paige goes to bed. Ryan will be home to listen out for her. It's at a restaurant on the causeway so hopefully the rain won't be too bad.

Nothing huge & exciting happened today, just little things and getting some chores done. But the day has felt relaxing. We've had a good time. Paige has played with her Daddy & been silly with him. She's been having a blast. He's back off again tomorrow. This week coming up is the last week of his training. Once we get through this Ronnie will be home with us everyday.


*Monica said...

I love days like that! I am glad he only has one more week away.

C. Beth said...

I was going to say the exact same thing as Monica--I love days like that!